My 1986 Trip to Israel Page #12 of 12     [Return to]
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Thumbnail Caves at Qumran where Dead Sea scrolls were found
221 Caves at Qumran
Thumbnail Masada - Flat topped mountain on the right
222 Masada
Thumbnail Masada
223 Masada
Thumbnail Riding cable car to top of Masada
224 Masada
Thumbnail Riding cable car operator at the top of Masada
225 Masada
Thumbnail Our tour group on top of Masada
226 Masada
Thumbnail Ruins on top of Masada
227 Masada
Thumbnail Dead Sea from the top of Masada
228 Dead Sea from Masada
Thumbnail Ancient Roman encampment and tourist center from the top of Masada
229 Masada
Thumbnail Dead Sea from the top of Masada
230 Dead Sea from Masada
Thumbnail Large Roman encampment on the westside of Masada
231 Masada
Thumbnail Roman siege ramp leading up to top Masada
232 Roman siege ramp Masada
Thumbnail The Dead Sea
233 The Dead Sea
Thumbnail Little Arab girl in Bethany
234 Bethany
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