My 1986 Trip to Israel Page #11 of 12     [Return to]
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Thumbnail Bethlehem looking from Shepherds Field
201 Bethlehem
Thumbnail Dormition Abbey on top of Mt. Zion on southeastern side of Jerusalem
202 Dormition Abbey
Thumbnail Bedouins living off side of Jerusalem-Jericho Rd
203 Bedouins
Thumbnail Bedouins living off side of Jerusalem-Jericho Rd
204 Bedouins
Thumbnail One Good Samaritan Inn Jerusalem-Jericho rd 6 miles east of Jerusalem
205 One Good Samaritan Inn
Thumbnail Other Good Samaritan Inn across the Jerusalem-Jericho rd 6 miles east of Jerusalem
206 Other Good Samaritan Inn
Thumbnail Arab Bedouin girl coming to see tourists
207 Arab Bedouin girl
Thumbnail Arab Bedouin girl coming to see tourists
208 Arab Bedouin girl
Thumbnail Arab Bedouin girl coming to see tourists
209 Arab Bedouin girl
Thumbnail Judean Wilderness
210 Judean Wilderness
Thumbnail Judean Wilderness
211 Judean Wilderness
Thumbnail First look at the Dead Sea
212 The Dead Sea
Thumbnail Jericho from the Jerusalem-Jericho road
213 Jericho in distance
Thumbnail Turning south on road to Qumran and Masada - Palm trees off road
214 Going to Qumran
Thumbnail Cave at Qumran where Dead Sea scrolls were found
215 Cave at Qumran
Thumbnail Essene ruins at Qumran where Dead Sea scrolls were found
216 Essene ruins at Qumran
Thumbnail Caves at Qumran where Dead Sea scrolls were found
217 Caves at Qumran
Thumbnail Caves at Qumran where Dead Sea scrolls were found
218 Caves at Qumran
Thumbnail View of Dead Sea from Qumran ruins
219 Dead Sea from Qumran
Thumbnail View of Dead Sea from Qumran ruins
220 Dead Sea from Qumran
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